Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Comments on Classmates' Blogs

Self Assessment

This blogging thing was very confusing to me at first. To be honest this whole project was confusing to me. With the help of some of my friends they made it easier for me. it was on my shoulders to actually do it. I am the biggest procrastinator you could possibly meet. It's very sad and i have to work on it. I will learn from this and adjust my attitude for future references. This whole thing has truly been a learning experience, not just for the class but for everything.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Technology has come so far. With the use of smart-phones many things can be accomplished. It is almost virtually no need for a desktop computer. With my iphone i can send files wirelessly to my laptop and have something printed out. It can be sometimes used as an advantage. If you miss class the teach may send a email notifying you about a upcoming quiz or test. Now that you know about the test you won't miss the next class and still be somewhat prepared for it. There are apps that are made for social networking sites made for smart-phones that make it easier to keep in touch and receive updates.