Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Self Assessment
This blogging thing was very confusing to me at first. To be honest this whole project was confusing to me. With the help of some of my friends they made it easier for me. it was on my shoulders to actually do it. I am the biggest procrastinator you could possibly meet. It's very sad and i have to work on it. I will learn from this and adjust my attitude for future references. This whole thing has truly been a learning experience, not just for the class but for everything.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Technology has come so far. With the use of smart-phones many things can be accomplished. It is almost virtually no need for a desktop computer. With my iphone i can send files wirelessly to my laptop and have something printed out. It can be sometimes used as an advantage. If you miss class the teach may send a email notifying you about a upcoming quiz or test. Now that you know about the test you won't miss the next class and still be somewhat prepared for it. There are apps that are made for social networking sites made for smart-phones that make it easier to keep in touch and receive updates.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Bullying has been an issue for ages. It use to be something that a person gets at school or anytime among peers. These days people can't escape bullying, it follows them all the way home. Even when a person is alone they can be continuously bullied. It is otherwise known as cyberbullying, the deliberate abuse or harm caused to a person via the internet. It has become more common in society and people often use social networking sites, text messaging, e-mails, as means of getting it across. Victims of cyberbullying have lower self esteem, more suicidal thoughts and often avoid social activities with peers. The country is starting to combat cyberbullying. It is starting in the school systems in which a school can suspend or even expel a student from school for bullying another student.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Today most of our assignments are turned in via the internet. We can go weeks without seeing the teacher or professor and still get our work in. If a teacher is out abroad they can still teach a class using a webcam. Teachers use search engines to get more information and can also use youtube to find specific videos to help out with the subject that they are teaching. Instead of going to a library and searching through encyclopedias, a person can get on their computer and get on a online encyclopedia. Doing so a person can search whatever they want by doing so like a search engine. All it would take is less than a second, as opposed to a matter of minutes looking through a library's collection.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Using new media as a means of communication
Means of communication have come a long way over time. We started off with mail, which took days maybe even weeks to relay a message. Now we are so advanced that it takes a matter of seconds to talk to someone that is over thousands of miles away. People can use Skype and Oovoo to hold conferences and keep in touch with loved ones and friends. Youtube can be used to post video blogs, giving people advice on different topics or just another way of communication period. There are sites that allow a person to send digital invites rather than mailing them physically. Also a person can post an event on facebook for their friends to see and decide if they'll attend or not New media has upgraded almost, if not every form of communication there is.
New Media for Careers
If people are job searching then a main target for background checks are social networking sites by employers. If a person has anything inappropriate on their profile then that will lower the chances of them getting the desired job. There are also careers that people may find on social networking sites. Many companies now have Facebook pages and Twitter accounts. There are also professional networking sites like The unemployed may also search for careers on online search engines like Google, Bing, and People that are uncertain about what career to pursue can use new media to find what careers have good outlooks in the near future, or what careers really interest them.
New media in relationships
Nowadays, new media has been the driving force behind relationships. It can either make or break our relationships with each other. Facebook gives us the ability to check behind our significant others and make sure they aren't doing anything inappropriate. Whenever a password is asked for and isn't given then some serious problems occur. Problems occur because it makes the person look suspicious insinuate that they are hiding something. Even though trust is suppose to be present new media causes a big problem with it. Not only does it hurt relationships but it can make things better. Someone can put something on a social networking site for the whole world to see and it be directed to only one person. Something like that will make them feel like the only person in the world and strengthen a relationship.
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